Our Screen Printing Process

You will see from below Screen Printing is a lengthly process this is why our minimum order is 50, We can go lower but the cost per shirt goes up.. 

Quote and Invoice

Reach out and let us know more about your Project and we will get a Quote over to you with an invoice, should you choose to move forward then the design or project deposit is the next step.

Design or Project Deposit

All jobs require 50% of the remaining balance invoice amount up front after the design deposit if you had one, before we order your garments and begin printing. Under certain circumstances and first time clients we reserve the right to require 100% of the payment up front.

Design Started

1 Day – 2 Weeks Depending on the Design Complexity, Backlog and Holidays. We do our best to produce quality design fast to keep your cost low but at the same time we don’t RUSH it adding more risk for mistakes.

Design Approved

Once the design is completed we send you a Proof to review, if you approve the Next Step is your Shirt Project Deposit. This is Half the current Invoice amount and is used to order the shirts needed for the project.

Shirt are Ordered from Supplier

During the Quote Process we look to see if your requested items are in-stock at the time of the Quote, how-ever this could change by the hours at our distributors so once the shirt deposit is made we order the shirts if still available, find alternative suppliers if they are not and if all are out of stock then we notify you so we can adjust the shirt used.

While we wait on the shirts to arrive and we know the design is approved, we then make the Master Film for each Ink layer needed for the screens for the project.

Clean the Screen

We strive to have Clean Screens for each order and this process is one of the long ones to ensure good quality.

Mix Emulsion

We mix up the Emulsion to help ensure we get a nice even coat on the screen so when we burn the films to it the design is as crisp as it can be.

Coat the Screens

After the Bubbles are gone in the Emulsion from mixing we then Coat the screens on both side evenly.

Dry the Screens

Once the Screens are coated we then put them in the dark room to dry and get ready for the next step on the Light table where we burn the image in.

Burn the Screens

After the Screens dry we are now ready to apply the films to each screen for it’s given ink color, we then use the Exposure Light Table to Burn the image/design onto the screen. Then We take them to the washout booth were the magic happens and the design shows itself on the screen.

Dry the Screens after burning

Once the design is washed out and checked for defects we then set them out to dry.

Start the Dryer

The dryer takes an hour to heat up to production temperature and project requirements. We use the conveyor dryer to fully cure the ink on the shirts ensuring it’s durability.

Mix the Ink

While the screens dry again we gather the ink needed and start mixing it up getting it smooth and ready to spread on the shirts.

Prep the Screens

Once dry we have to tape off the edges and check for any pinholes that might not of been seen before drying.

Setup the Press

Load the screens onto the press and keep spinning the pallets under the Flash dryer that is heating up.

Register the Screens

This process is bitter sweet at times, we make sure all the screens line up on a test print, sometimes all screens line right up, and sometimes it takes a few try’s and a shirt or 2 of spoilage could be the result. We do use a Pellon “simulated shirt blank” for the first few test passes and then we load the shirts.

Start the Flash Dryer

It takes a few mins to heat up and while it is we are also prepping the pallet for the shirts by heating them up.

Pre-Heat Pallets

We heat up the Pallets before we start the production to help ensure the process is smooth, heat can be your friend in screen printing.

Run a Test Print

Before we start just loading shirts on we do one last test print and make adjustments if necessary. Sometimes all goes good and the extra shirts we order are yours and sometimes we have spoilage and the shirts are no good. You are contacted if spoilage happens.

Start Production

At this point we are so stoked and pumped, we crank up the music and star loading shirts and spreading ink.

Stacked Folded and/or Bagged

At this stage the shirts are starting to come out of the oven ready to be stacked folded or bagged depending on how you wanted us to package your order.

Final Payment Request

Now that all the shirts are done and ready to ship we box them up and ask for your last Payment before we add the tracking label on the box.

Tracking Number Made and Shipped

After your last payment we then print the shipping label and send you the tracking number by email then drop them off at UPS.